
worriedaboutlove t1_j2dvgen wrote

It was good and bad. Personally, I met some long dreamed of financial and career goals. But, other people in my life that are close to me suffered incredible loss, and that hurts too. I’m also getting older and the mortality of my parents and older family members is ever present on my mind.


worriedaboutlove t1_j26foov wrote

There was no verifiable selection process that pointed to why Philly Fighting COVID was selected. That was part of the problem.

Secondly, it has been proven, ad nauseum at this point, that Black (and Brown) communities suffered the greatest due to comorbidities and having front line jobs that exposed them to more COVID, plus Black folks make up just about 44% of the city, followed by Latinos at 16% and Asians at 8%. Meaning, focusing on the 68% of the city that were at higher risk of severe outcomes - which is most of the city, at this point - makes sense.

You are being intentionally obtuse about the reasons why a completely unqualified 23 year old white man would be given this opportunity (hint: his corrupt city council connections, for one - which you can also read about). There are plenty of resources from the Philly Inquirer regarding Philly Fighting COVID, the fraud, the "selection process" and so on. Please do go find them. What I shared is one article, that references an entire documentary. Go watch that.

I'm recalling that you responded to my post initially to essentially say "not all white people". Given where this conversation has gone, it makes sense that derailing is your primary concern. Your goal in engaging in this conversation wasn't to learn more, it was to defiantly(per your username) deny the role of race, and, adjacently, wealth/access in one of the largest public health department scandals of this decade and create whataboutisms as if we're not talking about a man who is currently under investigation for insurance fraud, for giving vaccines to family and friends when thousands were dying, for allowing residents to be injected with vaccines by whomever he deemed qualified to do so, selling personal data, etc. etc. - the list goes on. This man is a criminal and is a bad person and is now saying the consequences he is facing for his very well documented crimes is because he is Russian-American, while at the same time receiving a very long benefit of the doubt, and as I mentioned above, assumed credibility and competence that is often afforded to white men in this country. That's another thing you can go read about. And, your knee-jerk response is, effectively, "not all white people" and/or "he could have had his reasons".


worriedaboutlove t1_j2684dr wrote

Here you go:



In this transcript, you'll see a bit of the story about Dr. Ala Stanford, who is actually a doctor that has been working in Philly's low income Black communities, and how the City opted to select Andrei's fraudulent organization instead. I'm going to assume in good faith that you don't remember how this went down, given it was some time ago.

So, my question to you, is why would a 23 year old with no medical credentials and no history of successfully running a public health campaign be selected to be the distributor of vaccines for Philly's Department of Public Health, when there were actual doctors asking the city for those same resources?


worriedaboutlove t1_j25mi07 wrote

If it doesn’t apply (to you), then let it fly.

The Philly Fighting COVID dude certainly reveled in the assumed credibility given to young white men with money and access as he beat out older, more qualified POC to distribute life saving vaccines to a a city that is predominantly POC- but now that’s he’s been caught, he’s being discriminated against as a Russian-American? This is my point.


worriedaboutlove t1_j256r21 wrote

For me, one of the worst things that came out of the 2020 racial reckoning is the growing number of completely bad faith arguments leveraged by white people (sometimes recent immigrants, not always though) who had no problem enjoying the spoils of whiteness and being categorized as white, until the concept of being white came under larger scrutiny - but still deny structural racism exists and that it negatively impacts actual people of color.