wotmate t1_jdz2muz wrote
Reply to comment by Fetlocks_Glistening in As seen in Auckland, NZ this morning. A touch of genius to get this past the censors by emgeenz
I went to school with a guy named Michael Hunt. We called him fuckhead.
wotmate t1_jdxhr8b wrote
Reply to comment by pohatu771 in TIL Australian band, Men At Work were sued over their song "Down Under" for similarities to an Australian nursery rhyme "Kookaburra". by El-Hairy
That's the point though, it's not theirs, they just own it because of Disney's copyright system.
Beethoven would be losing his shit if he knew that school children were mangling his music with recorders, but he's long dead. Copyright, like patents, exist so that the original creator can make money from their creations, not so that some troll can sue people long after the creator is dead.
wotmate t1_jduuo6s wrote
Reply to comment by pohatu771 in TIL Australian band, Men At Work were sued over their song "Down Under" for similarities to an Australian nursery rhyme "Kookaburra". by El-Hairy
Almost 80 years after the fact and you long dead, you wouldn't care.
wotmate t1_jdu84n6 wrote
Reply to comment by racermd in Golf carts are sports cars by exbingoz
Is archery or target shooting a sport? Bobsleigh? Chess? Darts? Croquet? Horse racing? Snooker?
There are dozens of sports that don't have extreme physical exertion.
wotmate t1_jacj73m wrote
Reply to TIL In Approximately 241,000 years, Nanga Parbat #9 tallest mountain in the world located in Pakistan will overtake Everest and will become the tallest mountain in the world. by AdClemson
Not if the piles of frozen rubbish and dead bodies on Everest have anything to do with it
wotmate t1_jaci6ce wrote
Reply to comment by unswsydney in UNSW engineers unveil prototype robotic arm that can 3D print living cells directly onto organs inside a human body. by unswsydney
Please tell me that the government is going to fund you directly so that you don't have to go to a multinational and sell your soul... Please...
wotmate t1_jab0tc0 wrote
Reply to comment by BudgetFar380 in EU Sanctions Russian Wagner Group For African Operations by devvls
It's never stopped them before...
wotmate t1_jaabors wrote
Dude, I think your friends are gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.
wotmate t1_ja9g9so wrote
Reply to comment by ZeroRozuMagika in TIFU by realizing I’m in a practical relationship rather than a loving one. by [deleted]
It was totally my fault. I should have dumped her selfish, materialistic arse 8 years before we got married, but instead I gave her what she wanted and she ended up dumping me.
wotmate t1_ja78a8w wrote
Lots of people don't believe in formal marriage. I've been with my SO for 8.5 years, we've got a kid, a house, and a dog together, and while we've talked about getting married, we're in no rush. We're functionally married, and we don't need a piece of paper from the government to formalise it.
ESPECIALLY after my first marriage ended in divorce after only two years.
wotmate t1_ja6sxb1 wrote
Reply to comment by DWright_5 in My mom used to tuck me in when I was young by Psyman2
She kept trying to push his penis back into his body so it would become a vagina
wotmate t1_ja2meo8 wrote
Instead of just sanctions, why aren't they sending in black ops to take out these terrorists?
wotmate t1_j9tjoi8 wrote
Reply to comment by ryan30z in Australia quietly expels major Russian spy ring, report says by diabolical_cunt
Same shit, different corn
wotmate t1_j7p0byn wrote
Reply to comment by other_usernames_gone in TIFU by Sending a Confidential Email to the Entire Company by CriticalCrit
If it's internal email with an internal email server run by internal IT department, they can just delete the email from all the inboxes. If it goes external, it's out there forever.
wotmate t1_j6mfbl6 wrote
Reply to comment by kelldricked in TIL When a cow has opposite sex twins, the female twin is usually born intersex and infertile. This happens because the twins blood supplies are linked, which exposes the female to male sex hormones. by awawe
You should try it sometime, it's quite warm.
wotmate OP t1_j1379em wrote
Reply to comment by lOGlReaper in Is there anything I can spray inside my cement mixer to stop clumps sticking to the sides? by wotmate
Nothing wasted, it's just a PITA, and no client, it's all my own stuff. I just want to make it easier for me
wotmate t1_ixlqxzy wrote
Reply to comment by frontiermanprotozoa in This mining tractor developed by Caterpillar is completely battery-operated by redhatGizmo
You should watch this so you know what you're talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16PVBaRpWts
Not a loading bay in sight.
wotmate t1_ixlpyit wrote
Reply to comment by frontiermanprotozoa in This mining tractor developed by Caterpillar is completely battery-operated by redhatGizmo
Where they get loaded is a big hole in the ground that is constantly changing, with parts of it periodically blown up. They don't do it in bays...
wotmate t1_ixlgru2 wrote
Reply to comment by franzn in This mining tractor developed by Caterpillar is completely battery-operated by redhatGizmo
Those tend to use articulated dumpers, not the heavy haulers though. The heavy dump trucks can only go up a certain grade, which is why they're used in open cut mines, because they can make the haul roads whatever grade they want.
wotmate t1_ixl563o wrote
Reply to comment by PlayfulParamedic2626 in This mining tractor developed by Caterpillar is completely battery-operated by redhatGizmo
Other way round. They drive down into a hole empty, get loaded with material, and then use all their power driving back out of the hole. Regenerative braking doesn't have a hope of recovering the energy used to drive 100 tonnes of rocks out of a hole.
wotmate t1_ixl51bp wrote
They've got a LOT of work to do to make these viable for use outside a demonstration track, as they have so many problems to overcome it's just not funny.
Firstly, regenerative braking won't be able to recover enough energy. As they're used mainly in open cut mines, they go down into the hole empty (so not doing much work) and then drive up out of the hole completely full (using literally all the power they've got).
Secondly, most mines operate 24/7. Apart from scheduled maintenance, there is no downtime. Currently, dump trucks get refilled while they're in a queue waiting for the digger, so until they can work out how to fully recharge in that time, nobody is going to want them.
wotmate t1_ix7z0j4 wrote
Reply to comment by ihateusednames in Indigenous people are less likely to survive the year after an ICU admission. 12 months after being admitted to intensive care, an Indigenous person is more likely to have died than a non-Indigenous person, according to Australian research. by MistWeaver80
>While the risk of death a year after their admission was similar for Indigenous and non-Indigenous patients, the researchers say the risk became higher for Indigenous people once factors including age, illness severity, socio-economic status and remoteness were taken into account.
wotmate t1_iwyccwk wrote
$20B? What do you mean $10B, it's definitely $5B.
wotmate t1_jeewz69 wrote
Reply to comment by WoolyLawnsChi in A new drug called AF-130 has been developed that offers “two-for-one” treatment of heart failure and sleep apnea by targeting the nervous activity that drives both. by chrisdh79
It is by me. I've got 100% compliance over the last five months, with an average AHI of 3 using my cpap, and every single day I wake up feeling horrible, and still get drowsy during the day.