
writingonthefall OP t1_iu78vbu wrote

Shill away. Eversource has been a problem in this state for many years. They control electric and natural gas already. This level of consolidation by a publicly traded company is suspect.

Shareholders who don't rely on these services will care more about profit than quality especially when they hold a monopoly on basic necessities.


writingonthefall OP t1_iu2hkp8 wrote

I blame politicians in eversources pocket. Towns are accountable to voters. Privatizatized companies are accountable to shareholders who aren't neccesarily local.

It diminishes democratic control over basic necessities.

Eversource also charges higher rates for the same services in CT than other states they operate in.


writingonthefall OP t1_iu23y3p wrote

So I need to consistently monitor it before it happens? No public discussion or announcment necessary? How should anyone know what to expect before it is inflicted on them?

An antitrust lawsuit against EVERSOURCE is overdue.


writingonthefall OP t1_iu1zyq5 wrote

My mayor is republican. Not that it matters because plenty of CT politicans are financially tied to eversource even the dems.

How do I know what is in negotiation before it goes down? I don't see any news coverage or anything about it.

What do I have to do to stay informed?