
wsf t1_jcmvpjj wrote

Kissinger, a priest and a hippie were flying on a military transport plane. Suddenly the pilot screamed "Both engines just went out! I'm jumping! There are only two parachutes back in the cabin, so you guys will have to figure out who gets them!

Henry Kissinger said "I am the smartest man on earth and I must survive!" He then strapped on a 'chute and jumped out of the plane.

The priest said to the hippie "My son, I'm a man of God and I've led a fulfilling spiritual life. You should use the remaining parachute."

The hippie said "I don't think we have a problem, father. The smartest man on earth just jumped out of the plane wearing my backpack."


wsf t1_jci5dmr wrote

I think a whole lot of this was empire-building. Every manager/director I've worked for wanted to hire as many people as possible, regardless of business requirements, in the (usually correct) belief that the more people under them, the bigger their budget and the faster they'd be promoted.