wtryan84 t1_j9p5efj wrote
Reply to If someone says “the most effective nonprofit (or community group) in Baltimore” - what groups do you think of? by caseyswatts
I have no idea how you can judge effectiveness between charities servicing different needs, but we give yearly to Wide Angle Youth, Thread, and B'More Clubhouse. Also occasionally to WTMD.
wtryan84 t1_j7fw6lm wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainObvious110 in The new Lexington Market is so disappointing by sleaziep
Park's moved across the street, but they desperately need a second or third place fried chicken inside Lexington because Super Fried Chicken was slammed this Saturday when I went. Plus all I want is too many fried gizzards covered in hot sauce and I am not sitting in line for 20 minutes to give someone $6 so my wife can look on with disgust while I shovel bird organs into my mouth. That said Krause's is still there and the turkey is still delicious. It's tough, I had a lot of good times in old Lexington and I'll miss it, but shit changes, it seems even faster the older I get. I don't know, I just hope the new market is able to be successful. I'd maybe wait until some more vendors are in there, there is still quite a bit of construction.
wtryan84 t1_j71s3ao wrote
Reply to comment by awolfgangc in Does anyone wonder where their tax dollars are going? by Nicktendo
We don't have tax dollar street cleaning in Fells. The businesses pay the Waterfront Partnership to get the main streets, which they do in these smaller golf cart sized vacuum equipped vehicles. However, I've seen neighbors ask for and receive assistance from those guys for residential spaces. They are pretty great. Personally, I clean my own street gutters a few times a year.
wtryan84 t1_itvc63s wrote
Reply to Baltimore Speakeasies? by [deleted]
I haven't been there in years but Mi Comalito used to have what very much felt like a hidden bar.
wtryan84 t1_jacib2t wrote
Reply to comment by Douseigh in Highway to nowhere and dirt bikes by brYzmz
20 minutes? I took the Franklin St. surface level the other day the entire length of the highway and it took 6 minutes at most.