
wuethar t1_iuj9x7n wrote

So Trump's trying to throw his own consigliere under the bus? This has a real shot at getting real interesting. I thought they might treat him with kid gloves since he knows where all the bodies are buried, and maybe he's cool with falling in his sword here and cooperating to the minimum extent possible, but you gotta love to see this:

>Susan Necheles, an attorney for the Trump company, told jurors Weisselberg was the bad guy in the case, not the Trump Organization.

>The “evidence will show it was all about Allen Weisselberg,” Necheles said.

time to drag every skeleton out of the closet, Allen. They're out to destroy you.


wuethar t1_iuj5b70 wrote

This was the case where Joe Hill speculated the victim may have been an extra in Jaws, right? I wonder if that could help explain why she was in Cape Cod in the first place.

Great to see genealogy being used in this way, though. Between catching killers and identifying bodies, there's so much promise here and it's exciting in its own weird way to see that being realized.