
wyther t1_itf49cf wrote

Hi RI surveyor here.

Few things you 100 % need an land use attorney. I would contact the surveyor you used confirm they did a class one comprehensive boundary survey and set monuments at all of your corners. After they set your corners BUILD a fence and start cutting the grass. (Don't touch the bushes) It's your land until a court takes it away, the only way they can get it is in court so don't make it cheap or easy for them.
Lastly the article said there was a verbal agreement? Was the agreement that the bushes were the property line? Or did the previous owners just just them permission to plant the bushes? If they just gave them permission to plant that would create an easement and not support an adverse position claim.

Have your attorney see if they would accept an use easement over the land instead of trying to fully take it that way they keep the bushes and you keep you lot size and boundary line for zoning setbacks. They also save money in court.

Best of luck 🤞