
xSympl t1_j4sqkys wrote

Stole a bunch of money from artists signed to his label and then closed the label without telling them ahead of time bc drugs, among other things.

There's a reason aes, cage, hell most the weathermen, etc,. don't work with him and it's not his choice unlike what he tries to imply


xSympl OP t1_j3z80bk wrote

And you still bitch about them? That's just sad. Ignore them like you want me to ignore the shitty posts here, clearly I'm on to something with 400 upvotes and only about ten people who are severely emotionally damaged by this like some pathetic always-online


xSympl OP t1_j3ye9eo wrote

Funny how the post is just genuinely asking for advice on a better sub, and somehow your ego still got hurt enough to respond like this.

Imagine taking emotional damage over someone not exactly liking a fucking reddit sub. Gives off hard "if you don't like America just leave" vibes.

Anyway, have fun with the hurt ego lmao. Sub used to be better but I guess you had to actually be here when it was young.


xSympl OP t1_j3ydn4m wrote

You regularly post to /conspiracy and /prepper. You continue to act like this is over boot care.

You're the insane one. I'm just going to block you and hope you finally get one some meds for the schizophrenia and paranoia. Maybe if SHTF I'll find you and turn you into a loot drop too<3


xSympl OP t1_j3wg2r3 wrote

Bro you think the government is using us for fucking batteries, you're just an old argumentative loser who wants to cherry pick his replies to ignore the actual information while being upset over something never said.

It's sad, and it's pathetic. You call yourself a prepper but don't know basic boot care!? You use hostile language then act like the boots are what I'm calling out to begin with!?

I take solace in the fact you clearly are either on the spectrum or schizo-afflicted. I hope you're healthy one day, but you are a scourge that doesn't deserve to exist. You're a fucking walking loot drop in an actual SHTF scenario and your unhinged mentality and attitude mean you'd just be wasted and scaved in a real scenario lmao.

You genuinely need help, but I'm positive you're on a government list. Knowing you are factually mentally unwell and not me just being a dickhead makes me genuinely sad because I wasted, and am continuing with this response TO WASTE, effort on someone who never has or will have a stable thought in their life. You make me sad, congratulations.


xSympl OP t1_j3v7wk4 wrote

I wish I had been around to know more about Digg. I was in highschool when everything crashed and thought reddit was just another 4chan type thing that all the weird kids used. Didn't help having the basement dwellers ask if you liked mudkips or knew when the narwhal baconed.

Me, being the weirder/drug kid, used Galaxy Social Network on TOR lmao, and only started using reddit around 2015-2018, when some dudes I did videos with got to the front page a few times.

What was Digg actually like? Did I really miss anything?


xSympl OP t1_j3t53p0 wrote

100 items are made 80 of them break within five years 10 more within ten years 8 more within twenty years

Now there are two out of one hundred that are still working today, the person who owns one posts about how high quality and long lasting it is. It isn't, it's just lasted longer.

Survivors bias generally correlates to like, old people saying "back in my day nobody died of XYZ" because they didn't know anyone who died of it, that meant it didn't exist" etc,.

But it generally reders to, in this context, something made that just happened to last forever but it was an outlier, being praised as if it was the standard.


xSympl OP t1_j3t4jse wrote

Exactly. I expect, with all things, to spend 4x as much, but receive 10x the reliability and quality. Buying brands is always stupid, look at red wing they were hyped in here for years and now the quality is terrible because they couldn't keep up with demands and pricing.

Meanwhile some leather worker and cobbler in fucking Nevada or something, are putting out $500 boots that will last your life if you properly care for them, but without people talking about them they won't get any business.

Same thing happened in a few clothing specific subs where once it got bigger and the folks who put in hours of research were hidden by low-effort content being 100x more prevalent, they stopped and the quality just got worse.


xSympl OP t1_j3t32qi wrote

You say overly engineered and high quality shouldn't be a metric then give examples of poorly engineered low quality products. Plus, boots last a long fucking time if you take care of them. Are you rotating your pairs and taking care of the leather? You can't wear a boot several days in a row and expect it to last, just rotating through even one other pair and making sure the other pair can dry out properly after use can extend the life dramatically in many cases.


xSympl OP t1_j3t1wmk wrote

Over-engineered, high quality materials, and a good reputation from the company . . ? This isn't rocket science it's going "oh the thin jackets being sold at Walmart are terrible quality, here's a jacket that uses actual high grade leather or waxed canvas from a company with great reviews and the stitching is 2-4x more than standard".

Like it is possible to tell a quality item from a poor item


xSympl OP t1_j3t1btg wrote

That's actually hilarious. I've used the same cups my grandparents have and cups I've bought for 50ยข ten years ago. cups have never been a "is it BIFL?" item to me. Don't fucking freeze them or drop them often and they'll last forever.

Hell I think I have those "limited edition" movie theater cups going back to The Phantom Menace, that still work.


xSympl OP t1_j3q4lei wrote

Ok, I'll sub haha

It's just really annoying when this sub had a lot of like, good brands to buy from (Solovair, Red Wings for a while, Pendleton, Patagonia, etc,.) and featured more the "overly-engineered" products, less the "my XYZ has been around since 1795, look!" Posts.

I appreciate a better place, still love this place but after coming back a few years later... Oof.


xSympl OP t1_j3q4axw wrote

Lol '"those" kind of people' makes absolutely zero sense outside of an argumentative context. What could that POSSIBLY infer, especially for a rather common and documented phenomenon that's been a phrase for a while.

Seems like you're in here being angry just to be angry, you good?