
xTiredSoulx t1_j54zmco wrote

Reply to comment by nilsrva in Flemish Fri-Daily by nilsrva

Horrible. Opa was drafted. Oma and her 2 tiny sons spent a lot of time in bomb shelters. Opa was injured in Russia, came home on leave, went back and was captured by the US and taken POW, taken to a camp in PA. He had been a butcher previously, which benefitted him. There was no word of all this sent home, so they assumed he was killed or MIA.He just showed up again one day after the war. Life postwar was unbearable but the stuck it out until 1953 and then came to the US.

Oma lived to be 88, not a grey hair on her head ever.


xTiredSoulx t1_j54uedy wrote

What is your Oma like? I had a German Oma and Opa and they were the best humans ever. I miss them so much.


xTiredSoulx OP t1_ivrfiw9 wrote

See, my family was always like no don’t go, you will be robbed raped have your car stolen, you’re white and will stand out. Like it’s this totally scary out of control place. I don’t believe that is true.

I want to walk down the street and see where my parents met, think it was 13th Street and Orange Avenue.

I want to walk by Central High School where my dad went.

And other stuff.