
xaephan t1_iy2gca2 wrote

They also announced something like a sub-division called Monsgeek, which is coming out with something very similar to the Mod007s in mid/late December. I wonder if that's the v3 they mean, or they're actually going to do two boards which seem pretty much identical?

Edit: Ah, or they could be referring to the PC version that someone talked about on here a little bit ago. Strange move if they're making Mod007 plastic from now on and moving their aluminum boards to the other brand...


xaephan t1_ixqe9qk wrote

Oh this is interesting, I found Monsgeek M1 barebone kit in stock on mechkeys. It's 86 dollars which seems like a steal for a south-facing CNC aluminum and VIA compatible kit. It comes in white, black, and pink colourways, plus there's a built version but it doesn't have Akko switches or caps. That said, I haven't been able to find any reviews except minute-long typing vids from very small channels on YT... not sure if it's worth the risk personally.

Edit: Just in case anyone sees this and gets the wrong idea, it looks the domestic version isn't VIA compatible! The mechkeys listing is also not great (picture missing labels, doesn't tell you what comes in the box, etc.) so I would wait for Akko to release it on their their own shop.