
xaraca t1_jdgjyvr wrote

I live in a small building without onsite management. No rules around deliveries. I prefer delivery to my door. I live close enough to the building entrance though that I'll often meet them down there.

In my experience the delivery people are in and out as fast as they can. They're not hanging out committing crimes.

If I were you I'd buy my own insulated bag and meet the delivery person in the lobby. Less convenient for sure but you'd be able to keep your food hot.


xaraca t1_j9v3t09 wrote

> When there's a lot of traffic, and you have to turn left at the light, the only opportunity to turn is when the light is red. Isn't this considered running the light??? God help me.

You enter the intersection while your light is green and wait for an opening. If the light turns red, it's okay because you've already entered the intersection and now you can turn.