
xcityfolk t1_j6i66d3 wrote

meanwhile, fire, police and EMS be sipping their coffee waiting for you guys to decide if it's OK to drive today or not.


xcityfolk t1_j3y04n2 wrote

"Show me," means that you can tell me what you want but I won't believe it until you show me. It's extremely apt given Missouri's weather, it can look like a sunny day today, but you better not believe it's sunny tomorrow until you see it with your own eyes, show me the sun....


xcityfolk t1_izjczm4 wrote

oh sorry, it's kind of model/photographer speak..

trade for print - means, nobody gets paid, model get's photos and photographer gets model, trade.

The problem is that you would get guys who would advertise TFP deals then the model would show up and it wasn't really a photographer, it was a GWC, guy with camera, just some dude looking to shoot noodies. They would often times be characterized by wearing sweatpants so that they would have easy access to their, ahem, equipment. So a model would put out an add, trade for print, no perverts.


xcityfolk t1_iyjfjww wrote

I write charts every day and that context is way more common that "doesn't have.." We use deny to describe pertinent negatives and complains to describe pertinent positives.

So a person walks into the ER trouble breathing and chest pain, you might write, "patient complains of epigastric pain, palpation in negative for rebound. Patient also complains of pain during inspiration. Patient denies any injury or illness prior to onset."

It just means that the patient said they weren't sick or got hurt before the pain, it's a pertinent negative. I don't know your doctor of course but this is the standard. It's been like this for a long time and people often confuse the context the way you are.

read this:



xcityfolk t1_iyjb9bn wrote

> “denied being depressed”

This is medical speak for, "when I asked the patient if they had depression they said they didn't." For instance, if a doctor said to a patient, "do you have any pain that I should be aware of," and the patient said they did not, the doctor would note on the chart, "patient denies pain." It doesn't mean, that you argued about it or that there was some kind of disagreement, just that his findings for depression were negative.