
xenianblossom t1_j6mil15 wrote

I live in the area, a family member of mine was the eldest daughters teacher, and a close friends sister was called into the ER to deal with the the situation given Her long term experience. My understanding is that the family had been using online grocery shopping and pickup/delivery with the moms ongoing health issue, and dad had been working at home. That night, the wife had him get grocery’s from a different supermarket, one about 25, vs the 5 away their normal store. My family member, the teacher, said by all accounts the family was happy, supportive, and the girl was so happy. She drew her a rainbow the last day she was in class(she loved to draw rainbows) the mom was inpatient and I don’t know if she was released because her benefits ran out because the doctors thought she was stable enough for outpatient. While yes, “why leave the kids?!” He was working from home, and the grocery store(I know the area) is a mere five minute drive with curbside pickup. He was doing everything possible to prevent this. I’m sure she wasn’t recommended to drive for mental health reasons. If the doctor deemed her stable enough, and her reasoning for you to take the extra 10,15 mins to go to the store for something, and no one in their worst nightmare, let alone the person birthed your three kids and helped many other babies come into the world(she was a pediatric nurse). All of that considered, the states immediately pressing charges because sending her husband away for extra time is clearly grounds for premeditated murder. I feel intense sadness for her, the punishment will be her not having her children, because our mental health system is inadequate. The state and law and country however this could be huge with “not guilty by reason on insanity” precedents