
xhotxchocoxfudgex t1_izsqrzi wrote

Honestly, before moving into any house that’s previously been lived in, I’d look up information on the house and its history. I’ve seen way too many horror movies to make me suspicious of moving into homes that were built centuries ago.

But my advice for you would be to go and talk to the people in town and ask them about the house and what happened to the previous owners. Then I would call a priest for an exorcism and get the husband away from the woman and out of the house before burning it to the ground. Or I’d just grab whatever I can of mine and run the heck out of that place with or without him. But then I’d be worried about the place consuming him and then taking hold of the next people to buy the house.


xhotxchocoxfudgex t1_ith5s3l wrote

I don’t know, call me weird, but I find the image of thousands of tiny gnomes covering a lawn to be kind of funny and cute. I was sort of expecting there to be something dark going on behind the gnomes, like they were made from live human remains, and when the first one broke, I was afraid that Mr. Mahlberg might make a gnome out of you two to add to his army of tiny gnomes. And that the reason there seemed to be more, was because he gets most of his victims on every Halloween or something. So I was pleasantly surprised to learn he was housing pupas.