
xmustangxx t1_jdxprsb wrote

Omg you just keep going with nonsense. I want you to go to a balance sheet for JPM or BAC etc and tell me exactly how much they’ve “borrowed” from the government to in turn lend. Do you think the fed funds rate is a rate the fed lends money at? 😂 so confused. That is the rate banks charge each other for overnight lending if needed. Are you talking about the discount window? That is a “lender of last resort” and banks know there’s a stigma around using it. Just repeating your misinformation doesn’t make it any less false. Stop. Go actually learn this stuff. Stop posting until then


xmustangxx t1_jdx8w7j wrote

I wouldn’t know where to start. “Banks whole business is borrowing money”? Wtf? Banks are in the business of lending money. You’re really blurring the lines between govt and banks. “The government needs to pay higher rates to borrow money”? Where? In the US where there was still demand for treasury bonds at negative rates? “The government is printing money to help banks”?? No M2 has been shrinking and the funds within the fdic has bailed out depositors. The whole thing is a confusing jumble of misinformation. If you turned this in as a high school Econ project I would give you an F.


xmustangxx t1_jdx29az wrote

I remember when I took my first Econ class … OP has no understanding of how banks actually operate and is missing the fact that the Fed has already set up a new facility for banks to essentially offload long dated securities to the fed. Back to school child


xmustangxx t1_j6adkdc wrote

Let me guess you were long last year and now you’re probably thinking you should be short. Try the opposite. Market just blew through 200 MA on most indexes. Probably more upside now. Recency bias will kill you.