
xojan t1_j62z2yj wrote

Personally, I am not her marketed audience and I don’t care for her writing style. Yes, her writing is mediocore at best. Yes, there are better writers out there. Yes, her works do normalise toxic relationships and a lot is marketed as being ‘romantic’. However, I am not gonna shit on people reading it. We all started somewhere and these snobs are the ones who don’t care for literature but more of being ‘not like others’. Leave them and you enjoy what you enjoy as these things come in cycle. Twilight, grey and now her…it’s always going round and round.


xojan t1_j5w0wuw wrote

Have you looked into dyspraxia? People with dyspraxia can sometimes struggle with reading and may take longer to understand the text. It helps to read slower and then reflect on it in steps rather than reading and trying to make sense of it at the same time.