
xoranous t1_j313wwt wrote

Reply to comment by dookiehat in [D] ML in non-tech fields by fr4nl4u

What if i told you you can track any such injustices by tracking such injustices themselves. Dimensionality reduction to pre-scientific concepts of race do more harm than good i'm glad more and more people are recognising. The amount of causal factors such downsampling obscures (which may then be adressed) is enormous. You can call me an old-school leftist but i think a social-economical-cultural perspective makes a lot more sense than the pseudo-biological sexuality/race perspective some of the new kids are pushing. It has brought some new ideas but also a lot of regression, 'colorblind racism' being one of them. You might call it color-lens racism - reducing people to immutable medieval categories is the real harm assuming this is something we don't want to happen (which i don't). We are all mixed race. Peace.