
xroachyx t1_iu3mrtg wrote


xroachyx t1_iu2ujwt wrote

Who would have guessed that vampires would involve in world war 3...

War was over. We've lost... A corrupted nation with corrupted government took over the world... They were handing humans over to the vampires. Called... The Human Farm...

I was once the most skilled sniper in the Special Forces. But now, in their eyes... I'm a war criminal. Because of I've sniped down their 5 generals during the war. And our corrupted government had no issue with handing me over to them...

They said they won't kill me. But in the farm, I've learned that there are fates worse than death... Farm is filled with humans that so called "Criminals" Of course there are some drug lords or mafia bosses etc but my class was different. I was a war criminal. There were also so called "war criminals" there but those guys are ex common soldiers that refused the orders. So they're traitors in their eyes... I was the only one from different nation.

Of course as a Special Forces' member, I wouldn't break down so easily. Their tortures and blood plays... Reminded me my trainings in Special Forces... I mean, if they want to torture me; they could do better than cutting a wound on me, pouring salt and licking the blood... I've seen worse... Way much worse...

But I wasn't happy with myself... Despite a prisoner; I was more like a plaything and food there... In Special Forces tradition; we carry a one bullet in our small pocket. For commiting suicide if enemy gets us... I really could use that for real...

About those vampires... Fucking hell they are powerfull...But I managed to take out some of them. They're fucking immortal, they don't die... If I had a sniper rifle... That could change everything.

Another thing about the farm is, they sell blood. Or even human. Some rich vampires come along, and buys supplies like that. Well, I myself became a food supply there...

Since I was there, there was a woman coming over and buying some blood. She saw me. Came closer to me. She even asked permission from me while approaching me... A real gentle soul... She and I chatted a little bit, then she asked me if I'd want to come with her.

Of course she was warned about me before. She knew everything about me; yet she gently asked me. She would have just paid and dragged me there. But she didn't. She asked my choice. And I accepted that offer.

To be honest, I'd refuse if I knew that I'm gonna be a "pet" in paperwork... Being a pet, or being a war criminal... I prefer being called a war criminal... But it was too late for everything...

She said; she doesn't care about my past, and she doesn't even think that I'm a war criminal. In her eyes; I am a soldier who fought for my country. I'm really glad she thinks that way.

It's been months since I'm with her. And we're getting along perfectly fine. I feel lot more relaxed. She thinks about me. Cares about me... My life has been saved by her. She treats me like a friend. Not like a food, or a pet. But in the end, she is a vampire and she needs blood. And I'm giving my blood to her willinly.

According to her; I have the tastiest blood that she ever tasted, but feeding only from me is dangerous for me. So she relies on other blood sources... Even though in her home, I had the opportunity for putting a round into my head like I've mentioned, but I didn't. I would do that if I was in the farm. But not while I'm with her.

Anyway... This is my new life now... Friends with a vampire...

ps: I'm gonna write part 2 if I ever remember it, I'm a little bit drunk and sleepy af right now :)