
xrufus7x t1_je7r1zk wrote

Fallout 3 was broken until about a year ago on modern machines then Bethesda randomly pushed out a patch completely removing the Windows Live integration that was breaking it. Since then, a lot more people can run it but it is still pretty hit and miss.

Generally speaking though TTW is considered the most stable way to play Fallout 3 on modern PCs.


xrufus7x t1_j87fwm3 wrote

>Oh please that’s all policy is created on anymore is people’s feelings so what are you on about?

Do you think we should be making important life changing decisions based off of claims where no supporting evidence is provided, or is it just the claims you make?

>also your other two points are snarky and useless

Snarky, yes, useless no. Consider it constructive criticism on your writing style, which uses a lot of words to say nothing in an attempt to sound bipartisan even though I really don't care what your political alignment is. I just want you to support your claims.


xrufus7x t1_j86jtjy wrote

>Say what you want.

That is generally how that works on public forums but I am glad I have your permission I suppose.

>I have a lot of different opinions on different topics

Yes, that is how humans tend to operate.

>but this is just bad. People getting played by social pressure just so pharmaceutical companies can reap profits off of something else all while laughing in our faces lying about everything

Your comment fails to prove any of the things you are saying. Yes, pharmaceutical companies can be exceptionally shitty but that doesn't mean every use of drugs as treatments is an example of that. If you want to prove that transgender treatments are a scheme by pharmaceuticals the bar for evidence should be a bit higher then your feelings.


xrufus7x t1_iuom2pq wrote

>Yeah but even that guy in the UK who was missing 80% of his brain likely wouldn’t be ok with nazis lol

Bet you could convince him.

>The article says he thought it was mocking hitler, there’s no way. It’s not like people with Down syndrome go out in hitler costumes regularly.

I took care of people with Down Syndrome. They tend to be easily convinced to do things without fully understanding why. Many people with these types of issues take their queues from the people around them because they don't understand them themselves. The fact that he has an escort while working would indicate he falls in this group.

Also, you greatly underestimate the variance in the cognitive abilities of people with Down Syndrome. Some can take care of themselves and never run into issues, others don't have the ability to dress, feed and bathe themselves and wouldn't know who Hitler was. Just like with TBI, it isn't a 1 size fits all thing, which is why automatically using beatings as a solution isn't a good idea unless your goal is more brain injuries I suppose.


xrufus7x t1_iunug7r wrote

>Isn't... isn't... thats what stops people from doing shit? Fear. Fear is the deterrent.

No, Fear is the primary driver behind the rise of this shit. If you are constantly afraid it messes with your brain, makes you more likely to be radicalized, not the other way around. Trauma doesn't "fix" people.

>No one is afraid any more.

What world are you living in?


xrufus7x t1_iung7is wrote

Ass beatings don't serve justice or help mentally handicapped people better understand things. They just make you feel like you are doing something. Mentally handicapped people are frequently taken advantage of as is. Turns out frequent beatings don't improve cognitive abilities, it just makes people afraid and more prone to exploitation.

This guy isn't a Nazi. Hell, he would be among the first the Nazis would march into a gas chamber.


xrufus7x t1_iuncnv7 wrote

"This employee has cognitive disabilities due to a traumatic brain injury. His work with the museum over the past 10 years has been closely supervised, coached, and supported. It is our understanding that he believed his costume to be mocking Hitler."

He isn't a Nazi. Just a guy with literal brain damage who was likely tricked into wearing the costume.


xrufus7x t1_iun81s9 wrote

"This employee has cognitive disabilities due to a traumatic brain injury. His work with the museum over the past 10 years has been closely supervised, coached, and supported. It is our understanding that he believed his costume to be mocking Hitler."

Yah, we should probably give him a bit of slack. Most likely someone tricked him into it.