
xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_je1jo65 wrote

I’ve been shooting there, owner is a cock jockey, but some of the folks are fine regular minded people.

They should have just got permits. Simple solutions to the issue, but at this point he is trying to have them come on the property and tear it down.

Unlikely anything is going to happen with this until the town thinks they can safely send a crew to demolish the buildings.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_jdx1y6h wrote

Oh without a doubt, my wife and I love making chicken meatballs. Usually we’ll kill a whole bird for thanksgiving when family comes, but free range backyard birds are tough and gamey! Probably should have told OP haha


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_jdrv03g wrote

It’s pretty simple, get a 2L bottle of soda. Create a funnel with the bottle and cut an opening for the chickens head on top (this is a real version)Tie the feat, invert the chicken and put head through cone. At this point the chicken should be pretty calm. Use a knife dispatch the bird by removing the head. Let the bird bleed for several minutes, then get a big pot and get water right before boiling temp. Drop the whole bird in it for about 45 seconds. At which point you’ll remove it and start plucking the feathers. I usually grab a stool and get a plastic contractor bag and defeatjer over it. (It’s a smelly and gross process) after the bird is featherless you’ll go to the backend of the bird and cut AROUND the tail and create a cavity almost to the base of the rib cage. Remove all guts including the neck and you’ll essentially have a store bought raw chicken. Process takes about 45 minutes if you do it all at once.

As for butchers/slaughter houses I don’t think there’s any in the area that would be willing to provide their services for only one bird. Dm me if you have any questions and as always open a guide online and when cleaning the bird there’s much better step by step guides on the Internet.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_jc7ql0q wrote

Legalize shrooms they’ve been found to be safe and almost impossible to OD on. All psychedelics have incredibly low usage rates and addiction to them is non existent. (Fake tabs are a completely different game and I do think all “LSD” should be tested since 90% of it is random ass RCs from Asia)

However all hard drugs should be kept illegal and the people who use them should absolutely be held accountable for purchasing and especially distributing community ruining drugs. It didn’t work in Washington, Oregon, or California and all it did was perpetuate a system that has zero accountability and enables degenerate addicts to further ruin the community.

You’re not helping them, you’re making them live carefree at the expense of everyone else. Is it shocking to see that HIV, HEP-C rates still rise even when theres safe injection sites? No. They’re still going to throw their needles on the street and share the same needle. Your “unhoused neighbors” don’t care about you, they’re not part of this community. The overwhelming majority aren’t from the state and came here because they know there are gullible bleeding-heart individuals who will believe whatever sob story they can conjure and skirt laws and get free shit.

Escapism isn’t a valid excuse, we are all expected to participate in the legal system. We should not be giving passes to people who disproportionately contribute to crime, blood born diseases, and overburdening public systems made for people who CONTRIBUTE to society.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_jbm7ktc wrote

Just go somewhere else, if you’re outside of Burlington area be prepared to get stared at and be judged by older folks.

It’s not some fairyland where gay people are openly accepted. Many people will try to paint it that way but reality is harsh, and unfortunately many will not like your lifestyle and choices in more rural Vermont.

If you buy a house now you will be trapped with record high interest rates and a market looming on collapse/correction. In three years of purchasing my home it went from 140k to 260k. Even if you get a home for an affordable rate you’ll probably be screwed out of work.

Do yourself a favor and move to California or Massachusetts and get a job there. You’ll be far better off and more likely then not accepted more than you would be up here.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_jacdo8j wrote

The issue when you conflate health care with business. The UVM buyouts we’re disastrous and accomplished nothing but make a practical monopoly for 150 miles.

Admins are great at business, but when it comes to healthcare my supervisors have absolutely no fucking idea what my coworkers and I even do.

They asked me what I do when actively responding to emergency situations (I carry a pager for work) they then audited my time sheet when they saw I was clocked in for 14 hours straight. Had to get a note from medical staff saying how long we were in the room.

Even more shocking is the admins have known were chronically short staffed in many fields of surgery and chose to continue paying significantly under market rate and continue to badger staff not to take raises or even ask for them. Ultimately this created a mass exodus and many became Travelers. Some teams are over 89% travelers and have had less than desirable outcomes when it comes to healthcare and general day to day operations.

The disconnect is so extreme I could talk about it for hours. I’m so glad UVM is buckling under the weight of its own financial incompetence. And to every travel nurse that comes in and makes $50k more than full time staff, I salute you and hope you take every penny from this morally bankrupt hospital.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_ja8xr58 wrote

You’d be surprised, there’s a good portion of republicans in the state.

That being said most of them are pretty quiet about it or live in more rural settings. NEK currently has the highest concentration of vocal republicans and Chittenden County has the lowest. In chittenden county it’s almost impossible to be a republican without scrutiny from neighbors and other towns folks since it seems a good majority of the community is transplants or college students(Burlington area)

In my experience when talking with other republicans its more about limiting government spending and overreach. I’d dare say that most of the republicans here would be considered independents in other states due to most of them support gay rights, abortion access, and other personal freedoms.

I have noticed the divide is getting bigger though; especially in Burlington. I find that more people are focused on the national level and will outright disregard any opposing argument if it comes from someone whom they deem as republican. Even scarier are the patriot front types and extreme leftist who are spreading their hatred and vitriol to the communities further polarizing moderates.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_ja8v8gr wrote

You’re not wrong, he checked and corrected Peter shumlins absurd spending and for the most part only signed in reasonable laws. (Imo the only exception is the wack ammo capacity law a few years back)

Goes to show that if you support sensible policy you could run for under any party you want and Vermont will vote for you if your priorities align.