
xylopyrography t1_jccv1e1 wrote

The last point is important.

Suicide, firearm deaths, deaths from obesity, deaths from smoking are all higher in America.

Opioid deaths are way, way higher, which pulls life expectancy way down because the age of death is tragically so young.

Your first point I'm not sold on. The US pharma system is beyond inefficient. They may output more but there certainly exists a system which could do 10x as much with the same funding.


xylopyrography t1_j39mf1c wrote

How does having 2 reps instead of 1 grant you more representation in a congress of 435?

0 x 2 = 0

Even right now in a fairly split congress, you are 2/9ths of a potential swing vote. You'd need 4 additional over-represented small states fully on your side.

You do have equal representation in the senate, by design.


xylopyrography t1_j303dp9 wrote

Meat requires far more agricultural production per calorie, nearly an order of magnitude.

Eating plant-based reduces the death of animals killed by harvesting by 90% all things being equal, on top of the cruelty reduction of factory farming on slaughter.

There is no such thing as perfect ethics, but that's not a valid reason to make things 10x worse.


xylopyrography t1_ixep8r2 wrote

The more confident one was always by 2024, but that was before Starship development even really started.

Gwynne Shotwell gave about 10 years in either 2018 or 2019 I think.

I think 2036 is realistically possible. It may require far more resources/effort than are economical or reasonable, but it will probably be possible.


xylopyrography t1_ivv69vx wrote

No they aren't. That's less than 1% of bottled water usage. Probably less than 0.1%.

I live in Alberta. We have among the strictest water quality standards in the world, far more stringent than bottled water. Yet every grocery store sells palettes of bottled water a week and there are entire service industries created around businesses purchasing bulk water for water coolers that are shipped around on trucks from far away distribution plants.

All of that can be replaced with a metal water bottle and our tap water.

And for the communities without access to clean drinking water, there are dozens of other solutions, of which 0.5 L plastic bottle water containers are among the worst.


xylopyrography t1_ivuuhna wrote

I get they're separate issues. I think plastic is much worse considering the trend lines. That is, it's the bigger problem 50-70 years form now on our current path.

We are on the track to solve the carbon problem within 100 years, and can probably start reversing the damage.

But the damage we've done with plastic is continuing and it's going to take hundreds of years to undo it, even if we find a way to do it quickly.


xylopyrography t1_ivugsgj wrote

Ban bottled water by corporations. If a community wants/needs bottled water, they should bottle it themselves with their own treatment facility.

Consider banning basic flavoured beverages. Just have consumers and businesses buy the powder and add to tap water.

For 1 L and less switch to aluminum (but ban packing plastic)

For 1.25 L and above switch to either vending style with powder or wax carton, or just have consumers buy multiples of 1 L.

Carbon footprint of transportation is already a problem being solved and can be accelerated through carbon pricing.
