
yellowyellow2 OP t1_j6gbo0s wrote

I think they are technically YA, ursula definitely started writing them for young adults, but she is such a top notch writer that I would definitely suggest them to adults. Especially Tehanu, i have seen a ton of people say they didn’t grasp it when they were younger.


yellowyellow2 OP t1_j6fow6l wrote

I have the omnibus from the library so it’s all in order for me :) i just felt very sad about finishing Tehanu i guess. Of course i will move on and start loving what is ahead of me though, i do this every time. What will be REALLY sad is when there is no more earthsea at all for me to read. I’m sure I’ll love what’s next!


yellowyellow2 OP t1_j6ewxsl wrote

The criticism of it like that is so funny to me. Her afterword was really good, she mentioned something like people thinking she was taking away Ged’s power as some sort of emasculating punishment, which makes no sense to me seeing as he gave up his power to save and change literally everything, and the only people who have judged him are men obsessed with power.