
ynotfoster t1_jadm65z wrote

Credit card debt - show what happens when you only pay the minimum.

Mutual fund fees, AUM fees, sales loads - what happens to investments when there is a 1% fee associated with the investments.

Why whole life policies don't make sense.

What happens when you start investing at age 22 vs. age 35.

Health insurance, why it's important to have it.


ynotfoster t1_ja5sccr wrote

That's because you are asking a question about car prices on a finance forum. Everyone is telling you it is a bad financial decision to lease, if you don't care that you are making a bad financial decision, then maybe you be better off asking this on a car forum or car leasing forum.


ynotfoster t1_j6jzvzi wrote

My spouse's grandmother was quite wealthy and employed a full-time housekeeper/cook for decades. Then in came time to retire and the worker had no social security or Medicare because she was paid under the table all that time. The grandmother was wondering if she should give the woman some money to live on. I don't know what she eventually decided to do.


ynotfoster t1_j2cg8vp wrote

Damn, I wish I had done that at your age. Congratulations, you are doing well financially.

One rule of thumb is to save half of every raise you get.

Another is to marry someone who is on a similar spending/saving path.

Then keep the finances on autopilot and live your life to the fullest.