
yogapantsonly t1_jaeo2p6 wrote

That’s the shit part of retention bonuses.

You either have to quit in the same year you get it so the employer can get the 7k back from the irs and you just pay back the 13k or you have to stay until it expires.

If you don’t like a job, the best thing to do is take the retention bonus and put it in a high yield savings account until the contract expires.


yogapantsonly t1_jaejdsc wrote

You got a 20k retention bonus. Your employer sent 7k of that to the IRS and you claimed it on your tax return.

Now you pay back your employer 20k and then you get the 7k back from the IRS when you file next years taxes. You might be able to amend your taxes to get this earlier. This is a relatively simple situation, but go to a tax preparer.

Like others are saying, you can also ghost your employer or try and negotiate down the payback.


yogapantsonly t1_iy3nld8 wrote

A catalytic converter is not a reliability issue. Keep driving it and don’t worry about it. If your state has inspections worry about it then, in many states you can have a small muffler shop weld on a new converter for 200-300.

Again, dont rush into a poor financial decision because a a new car dealership is trying to convince you your car is garbage. Never take a old car to dealership for repairs, period.