
yolagchy t1_j9wzbu4 wrote

Hi there! I just left UCONN after getting my PhD and I can tell you 1,400$ for rent is definitely doable but you might not get a good place, but if you live further away, lets say Ashford, Vernon etc you might get something decent for 1,400$. Car is absolute necessity at UCONN, you can survive without one but your life won’t be fun! And welcome to UCONN!!!


yolagchy t1_j8vdlhb wrote

Could not agree more! I have spent 6+ years at UCONN getting my Ph.D and I can tell you there is so much corruption and mismanagement going on! In particular, SoE Dean is incompetent, that is where cleansing should start from. I am sure UCONN can be a lot more efficient and productive, and there is room for that to happen. I am not against new engineering buildings, I love them especially the last one (science I), but I can’t say same things for the scientists in there. Last time when I heard, management was cutting subscriptions to scientific journals and only few were left freely accessible. And guess what? Accessible journals were all used by dean of SoE or Radenka. I hope best for the UCONN but with the current management I just can’t see much improvement happening. Painful it is!