
yosoysimulacra t1_j5uztd2 wrote

Reply to comment by SteakTree in HD 650 ruined me by GLikesSteak

Sitting here listening to A Moon Shaped Pool on my trusty old 650's, and I only kinda regret selling my SDR-modded HD800's a few years ago.

The 800's are something special. That said the bleed is insane, and I couldn't warrant them sitting around only being used to listen to Yo Yo Ma and Steely Dan to death. That said, I miss the space the 800's created--hard to beat, but damn those things are big.


yosoysimulacra t1_j4gnr3h wrote

When the image or 'form' of the 'thing' in your mind associates with the word in a new language rather than having to actually process the translation from your original language to the new one - that's when you 'know' a language, IME. And its when more than 80% of the words coming out of someone's mouth have that image association in your head despite accent, speed, age, colloquialisms, etc.

I became fluent in Fijian (for the most part, its a non-written language) in the 90's when I lived there, and learning a language by experience (vs study/books) really reinforces my point above. The sound associates with the image in your brain--that's when you 'know' a language.