
yumri t1_j3nkh0s wrote

As i do not use a lens i can only go by the documentation. The 6mm one should fit and work correctly while the 16mm one will not. The reason seem to lie with the senor used. Again should I am not saying it will.


yumri t1_j3mze74 wrote

As VisionFive is a competitor to the RaspberryPi foundation but they actually have a product you can buy. Again the problem is most is made for ARM not RISC-V but as you explained it will be relatively straightforward to use as the same GPIO count and connectors.

So the Camera module should work with their board when the environment is made for RISC-V not just for ARM. I am hoping it will be but i do not know how hard it will be as i don't know RISC-V programming.


yumri t1_j3my18k wrote

I would suggest camera module 2 or 3 not HQ. Mostly as you don't need 2028x1520 but slower recording speed and/or streaming video speed. 1080p is good enough. Having 60 fps is most likely better than 40 but that is just me. How high they both go is also relative to how high you sent the resolution. module 3 can do 120 when 640x480 and HQ can do 120 when at 1332x920.

Unless you already got it I would go with module 2 for your use case. As it isn't that much worse than 3 and more compatible.

Here is a list of comparisons.

Camera module 3 vs Camera module 2

The camera module 3
1080p 60hz record though software might limit you to slower
Better color reproduction

weights more by 1 gram being 3 grams of weight ( unsure if 1 gram is a lot of a little for your set up)
requires more space on the vertical axis
ONLY compatible with the modern libcamera software environment and not the legacy closed-source camera stack

The camera module 2
supports 1080p 47frames per second though quickest at 240p at 207frames per second
generates smaller files
color reproduction acceptable for your use case
lighter at 3 grams instead 4 grams
is compatible with both the legacy closed-source camera stack and modern libcamera software environment
physically thinner than camera module 3

It does not support 720p
End of life is sooner though still well supported and as it is open source end of life will just apply to hardware not software
have to manually adjust the camera when moving it physically

Camera module 3 vs Camera module HQ

Camera module HQ
2028x1520 at 40 frames per second

physically bigger at 38mm x 38mm x 18.4mm not including the lens
you need a external lends for it to be better than the camera module 3
more expensive at 50 USD before you but the lens

unsure about compatibility with software


Camera module 3
faster record at 1080p at 60fps
better color reproduction
weights less how much depends on which lens you use with the module HQ
physically smaller at 25mm x 24mm x12.4mm

doesn't support as many lens
only goes up to 1080p not higher


yumri t1_j3m5g90 wrote

Reply to comment by Denamic in How keys works. by -birdbirdbird-

That is how you pick irl locks. 1 at a time and going by his videos if you have taken it apart before it will be easier to pick another of the same lock.


yumri t1_j3m487r wrote

Reply to comment by joestaff in How keys works. by -birdbirdbird-

Not all not even most new locks still work that way. You have false gates, gaps, and other things to help prevent people who aren't used to lockpicking from getting opening a lock without a key


yumri t1_j3lz9dj wrote

Well the only good RISC-V board i have seen looks basically like Raspberry pi 3 but with a RISC-V SoC made by VisionFive who also makes the SBC it is in. The main problem is it is RISC-V not ARM so the code will have to change to match.


yumri t1_j3lo8m6 wrote

https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/new-autofocus-camera-modules/Would have been a better link than the verge to link. Now with that said for most use cases it is the same as camera module 2 just with a motorized focus so you don't have to move it by hand every time you have to move the lens.
Pixels are bigger not smaller going back to what the Camera Module 1 had for pixel size.you do get 720p @ 100fps or 1080p @50fps.
1 gram heavier.
wider horizontal but smaller vertical view

On a up note it is basically a drop in replacement for camera module 1 and 2 if you are using the modern libcamera software environment otherwise your raspberry pi will not work with it. For most is will be an entire system redo due to how important the environment working in is. So going from 1 to the other but wanting to keep the other's software intact is a new SD Card is needed for the raspberry pi.

It is a good camera for IoT stuff and for hobbyist stuff not so much if you want to use it in a company use kind of way.

Edit: fixed formatting


yumri t1_j2uthdw wrote

Mostly sounds like an all-in-one computer design that you can change out the computer part of. The main cited reason why the all-in-one computer design failed is to change out one part you had to change out it all as everything was to integrated with each other.

Mount your workstation to the back of it and you can have a wire free desk so you can use said space for other work stuff. For example a physical note book to jut down notes about the tasks you are doing that you might need later. Days, weeks or even months later having them on a physical paper is better. Depending on the job it could be good for the main monitor for a business conference room to connect to a remote business conference room.

For the end consumer uses i cannot think of any that have a 32-inch 6k monitor with a USB 4 input hub for 4 USB 3 ports then with the webcam separate from it would not be better.