
yyzda32 t1_j98wl14 wrote

Naw spent most of my life here, even after living in the Bay Area, Boston, pioneer valley. It used to be a great place for a starter home and the commuter rail is a great transit option, but it’s gotten so much more expensive in the last 4 years. There’s a lot of the town that’s finally under development. Blackstone valley shoppes and Sutton are close by, we’ve got a mass pike entrance, 146 nearby, 140, 122, and 30. Totally comfortable small town feel but we do have townies pretty active in the local politics.


yyzda32 t1_itsh7t1 wrote

It's funny, I think of the old Central Artery elevated and I remember:

"Kneeland St. CLOSED" When was it ever open?

Getting to Logan Airport was awful since you had to take the Callahan Tunnel to get there on 93.


yyzda32 t1_iqqccot wrote

I think you're chasing for an alternative when the answer isn't Springfield. Your other thread captures the feeling of this post:

"It's not that Bostonians hate Springfield, it's that Bostonians don't think about Springfield."

Worcester gentrified because it was largely a commuter city that eventually attracted an industry (biotech), those employers that helped redevelop the city or the surrounding area, more people who came to live in proximity to their commute, and supporting services for those people (food, breweries). Employers will go where there's the most likelihood of the people they want to hire.

However, let's take a hypothetical. If Springfield follows a similar development path and grows proportionally in jobs, then the housing market will also increase to follow suit. You become priced out and will have to live somewhere to commute. You may find yourself back in a situation where "3 days a week would be too much".

If the commute is the issue, you can either move closer (more expensive), live further while having a job with an earning rate that is considered above market for your area (punching above your weight), or find a job closer to you that has in-market rates based on cost of living (par). I don't believe trying to change the character of Springfield or the Pioneer Valley will help with the commute issue. Bostonians don't think about Springfield because they don't live, much less visit there. Maybe if the East-West commute rail line project finally happens there's a possibility for better regional connections, but that's still a very long rail ride.