
z3mcs t1_j3xl7rp wrote

> it speaks heavily towards the kind of people who live in this city.

There's a lot of really good people in this city. And a lot of shitty ones. I had the same experience with a west coast city. It gets talked about like its nice but you get there and are greeted with a straight up piss smell that takes up whole blocks. Baltimore is like every other city - some good things, some bad things. Some bad people, some good people. There are horrible things that happen in other cities that never happen here, and the reverse. That said, fuck people who litter.


z3mcs OP t1_j3wfbif wrote

>Baltimore Banner: What are the takeaways from the first months of data collection from the I-83 cameras?

>BCDOT : We are seeing evidence of slower speeds on I-83. Below is the breakdown of the total 153,251 citations issued:

>Northbound I-83, W 41st St.: 70,933

>Southbound I-83, W 41st St.: 82,318

>During the 90-day warning phase, 202,071, warnings were issued. During the first 90 days of live citations, 109,851 warnings were issued, indicating that the effects trickled down. This corresponds to a 54.3% drop in warnings and citations issued since the program’s implementation.

>Meanwhile, the average issued warning/citation speed has dropped from 65.9 mph to 65.3 mph, indicating that motorists are slowing down. Official crash data for the corridor will not be available until summer 2023 when it is submitted to city DOT by the Maryland Highway Safety Office.

65.9 to 65.3 is.... weak. Good info in this article though. And there are two reader questions that are answered.


z3mcs t1_j3vtky4 wrote

So each time this comes up, the tip is to jump providers to whoever currently has the best rate. No one provider always has the best rate for everyone, and a previous provider that overcharged you in the past may give you the best deal now. There are some smaller providers people usually suggest, but overall, that's the tip.


z3mcs t1_j3fg472 wrote

Sucks to hear it. Sorry man. Glad you weren't physically hurt, and hope you can get back your sense of well-being. Also good on you for recognizing the effect it had on you. Honestly this society causes that anyway, so pretty much everybody should be trying to work on their racism toward people of color, so you're no different than anybody else in the U.S. (me included).


z3mcs OP t1_j37e6th wrote

Well next year we'll have a new head coach. Who do you think it'll be? I think we're gonna have some of the same folks from before in the running - Scott, Dixon (ugh), maybe a new Miller-like outsider (but not Jayne, she's not doing that), the usual weirdos that have no shot that run, and whichever grifter wbff puts up. Now in 2028, ZC is on deck mos def. Hopefully we'll have flying hacks by then.


z3mcs OP t1_j37dhyu wrote

Well I've enjoyed your comments over the years and I thought when you talked about how he wasn't responsive over various things (the funding for new gun toys comes to mind) I thought you were spot on. You should always be responsive or at least have an explanation for your constituents.

That said, sometimes I really do wonder how much of an undercurrent there is of a threat to him personally if he doesn't go along with some things.

Like, dude got mugged (like a push, not robbed) and essentially assaulted by that dude and nobody talks about it, like ever. And the BPD is obviously an organization that has no problem taking people out when needed. Did you catch that Bates said, and still believes, that the Suiter case is straight up murder? And that he had conversations with people close to the case and he believes that it is murder? Scott tries to run roughshod through things and he may end up like Suiter.

Now that said, that's not an excuse to whiff on a good amount of things. I just think he's done a good amount of things in addition to the whiffs.

And a, while we're talking about mayor stuff. This goof is about to rise from the ashes. Lets pray she doesn't.


z3mcs OP t1_j37be0f wrote

We don't have that kinda time, lol.

tl:dr - he's pretty much what I thought he'd be from watching him as a councilperson and during his run. Very what you see is what you get. He hasn't done anything transformative but he's started to lay the groundwork for the next person. If you (general you) expected him to come in guns blazing, you were disappointed. He's like the leader of the clean up crew. The place was wrecked and he is coming in trying to get things just running at a minimal level. He affects a lot of people reddit doesn't see or acknowledge. Him just being in a position of leadership affects a lot of people positively but that is invisible to most of reddit. He shows up a lot of places he should, and doesn't show up a lot of places he needs to. He disappoints folks like /u/jabbadarth and me all the time, much like a recent heralded president disappointed folks because he didn't come in swinging his [expletive] and changing every policy around. And then sometimes he's not responsive when he should be, to folks like jabbadarth who are earnest and vital members of the area. He has his reasons I'm sure, but some times it just feels like he chooses to ignore things that shouldn't be ignored. But there's a larger convo to be had around that that we don't have time for today. If I gave him a rating it would be "meets expectations" because I was never detached enough from the crime and violence of this city to expect he could come in and make a dent in three freaking years when hundreds of years of history have got us to where we're at. I listened to leaders at Hopkins, leaders in the community, aspiring political candidates and leaders of organizations like the police, to understand the limits of what he could accomplished. I posted research in here long before he ever ran (search the sub for it) that suggests Mayors basically have next to no impact on things like crime, etc.

and that's the tldr. You're not gonna waltz in and solve something like this, in 3 years.


z3mcs OP t1_j378dvv wrote

I'm fine with anybody saying what is being tried isn't working quick enough. But there are legit people who would swear in court, he's not doing a single thing. Not trying anything, just literally sitting on his hands and picking his beautiful, beautiful hair. That's obviously untrue, yet people still do it. Harrison said a couple years ago it would take like 8 years minimum to right the ship. That's a guy with, at the time, 35 years of police experience. 8 years! But people want to not only right the ship in less than half that time, but also get it full steam ahead. Preposterous. But I get how frustrating it is to see or god forbid, personally experience the violence. It feels unfair.

The real kicker in all this is, you ever see the comments that slip through with people talking about "oh, someone needs to do the stuff that nobody wants to do because it's political suicide blah blah" and they're talking about, or rather dogwhistling about stop and frisk and mandatory minimums or martial law or choose-your-own-outdated-or-unconsitutional-brute-force-policy-that-will-be-worse-in-the-long-run?

The real thing "nobody wants to talk about" that would actually address the problem is looking at the work of Professor Lawrence Brown and digging into that and the resources that need to go to certain areas of the city to restore what was taken away. People nearly always mean that first part, but the solution lies in the opposite of that.


z3mcs OP t1_j37346g wrote

> a governor who measured his own success by the failures of our city.

This is a hauntingly accurate way to put it. I could never quite conceptualize how he operated it but you nailed it. I'd give you gold if I had any. Now it's our job to scuttle his presidential run Inigo Montoya style when he announces.


z3mcs OP t1_j36vtu4 wrote

> I drive on dogshit roads


>I’m going to assume that throwing more money at police isn’t really gonna help crime

Fun part is that the $70 million still wouldn't stop people from posting "Mayor Scott is doing nothing at all to stop the crime in this city! Our Police do a great job but he does nothing!!11"


z3mcs OP t1_j36t8nz wrote

>Scott said his top three priorities are public safety, the environment and infrastructure and quality of life.

>The mayor said he's seeking $20 million in state aid to help the Baltimore Police Department improve and modernize, $50 million to design and construct two new police districts in northwest and northeast Baltimore and $100 million to address vacant properties and eliminate blight.

>He admitted it's an ambitious agenda but said he's optimistic with the incoming leadership across state government in Democrats from Baltimore, including Gov.-elect Wes Moore.


z3mcs t1_j0jmjpm wrote

Well you're speaking generically and a lot of people over the years have sworn up and down that you can't criticize (insert politician here) and then I have to go through and show all the times that person was criticized where it's plainly visible on the sub. And then I don't hear much after that. Because typically it isn't criticism per se, it's someone on a mission, trying to share someone's personal information or doing something way above and beyond criticism.

We've had people swear you can't talk about SRB. Swear you can't criticize Mosby, or Brandon Scott, or whoever. And it always ends up coming back to something like "You wouldn't let me call them a @#%#$ and post their license plate numbers and personal information. Silenced all my life!!!11"

It's kind of similar to this post. Race and racism get talked about all day every day on reddit, in this sub and elsewhere. Yet people have approached us like "I am not allowed to discuss race on here and it's not fair", when in reality when asked what they want to talk about, they can't articulate it and ultimately its clear it's some over the top "why can't I use the N word when I see THEM say it ALL THE TIME???" stuff.