
z3mcs t1_j80e85v wrote

Reply to comment by PigtownFoo in White Punks on Transit by [deleted]

> But I will also say that oftentimes, people of color and immigrants, are a bit more hesitant to speak reporters.

LOL, what? I mean I understand what you're saying generally but having watched the news on tv almost religiously around here for years and years there is NO shortage of black folk willing to talk about something lol. With fervor.


z3mcs t1_j7ztrmy wrote

Reply to comment by FriedScrapple in White Punks on Transit by [deleted]

> It’s definitely a weakness in the Banner.

And a weakness in this sub too. And like, American life in general, lol. Black folk will scream something from the rooftops but so often nobody really takes heed until some white person echoes the same thing. (this is also the case with Men saying things Women have said in meetings in corporate settings)


z3mcs t1_j7pnap6 wrote

> The cost of the integration into the broader economy and society of Baltimore of these kids is far too high relative to their expected lifetime productivity and sociability. Instead, we should pay them to stay out, and let the rest of us create a future here.

Am I reading this right? Are you literally advocating for segregation lol, and using stereotyping to help do it. Please tell me I misinterpreted your comment.


z3mcs t1_j7m0rlt wrote

I really don't know why people continue to believe the myth that black folks (in Baltimore or anywhere else) don't vote for white people. It's silly. If black folks are supposed to grow up believing "You can do anything you put your mind to", and that this country is a meritocracy aside from a select few situations, and racism is "a few bad apples", then certainly a white guy has a shot in an election, considering there's tons of white guys that got the votes of those same black people, for other offices.


z3mcs t1_j6ku4ys wrote

In all seriousness. I repeat, in all seriousness. I think I've seen you post thing after thing that originates overseas in like the Netherlands. Have you thought about contacting some envoy or someone over there who would come to Maryland and talk to people here in power? Put on a presentation at Hopkins? Give a press conference? Something? Because if you're taking so many ideas from over there the best folks to explain how things function, demonstrate how problems are solved, answer questions about execution and implementation, and sell the stuff, would be those folks. Even if you didn't think the city proper would be receptive, get em over here to start making waves. Submit it to the new governor's office or whatever relevant picks for whatever office is appropriate.

I think I've seen you on here for like 5 or 6 solid years and you're so focused on transforming Baltimore, I just feel like you could actually make headway on some of these thoughts and ideas if you move in the right ways. If you're not interested and would rather just post stuff on here in hopes of getting a groundswell that will lead to action, that's cool. I just hate to see someone so clearly focused on a futuristic society that maybe never thought about just how to actually get things moving. I'm not trying to make it sound easy, it'll definitely be hard, but you just seem really really dedicated.


z3mcs t1_j6ke9fl wrote

>Cause that pic is super unclear.

Looks pretty clear on desktop. I'm guessing you're on mobile. The map has a legend that says "Alley Closure" and then a red&white striped demarcation next to it. On the map you see that same red&white striped demarcation where the alley will be closed.


z3mcs t1_j5hyzh2 wrote

Reply to comment by fakelitty in Remember this by adb1146

Define "storm" 👀. I'm thinking we'll get 5.5 inches on February 19th. Tryina get this dolla dolla bill yaaaalllll