
zeke235 t1_j9m2btv wrote

A man walks to a newsstand and purchases a paper from the vendor. He takes a look at the front page and angrily throws the paper in the trash.

The next day, the same thing. The man buys a paper, looks at the front page, and throws it in the trash disgustedly.

The third day, once again, the man buys a paper, sees the front page, and immediately throws the entire thing right into the garbage. The vendor stops the man and asks, "Sir, why do you keep throwing away newspapers without reading them?" The man replies, "I'm looking for an obituary." "But sir," the vendor says, "obituaries aren't on the front page."

"Trust me." The man says. "This one will be on the front page."


zeke235 t1_j3olu8a wrote

I just wanna say i really don't think it's a good idea to rob fairy tombs. They are crazy vindictive. Like 400 years from now, your descendants are still gonna be going through some shit.