
zeshtorm t1_j9lq7u1 wrote

I don't, it's sad for sure.

BUT: 1) There is no knowing how many of those 100 were actually injured, and how many got a tiny nick that the Palestinian media counted as an injury to inflate the count.

  1. There is no knowing how many of those wounded were also militants or involved in the firefight, and

  2. It's hard to place the blame squarely on Israel as people here are doing. They have been going in to arrest members of terror groups that they have good intelligence are planning attacks on Israel. Just letting them be is not an option if they have good intelligence. I also can't much blame the militants for not wanting to go quietly. However, they are the ones that made the decision to start a firefight in middle of their own neighborhoods. It's a given that the IDF will return fire, and it's also a given that an extensive shootout in middle of your neighborhood will result in innocent people getting hurt.


zeshtorm t1_j60o6hl wrote

My friend you have good intentions but your lack of knowledge of the history of the conflict is showing. Israel made offers giving the Palestinians basically every inch of land they claim is theirs, with land swaps for the handful of land masses they did not want to give. The Palestinians said no. The American president brokering the deal was stunned.

You keep saying they should negotiate, but with whom?? Hamas rules Gaza. Their founding charter swears that peace with Israel shall never happen, and the only acceptable solution to the conflict is victory through Jihad. Obviously not a negotiation partner.

The PA rules in the West Bank. Their grip is tenuous at best, they've canceled the last 4 or 5 elections because they are afraid they will be beaten by Hamas, and they are the same organization that refused the peace deals and pays salaries to the families of suicide bombers, a policy they refuse to budge on. A few years back, Netanyahu stood in the UN and publicly invited Abbas (leader of the PA) to negotiate with no preconditions. Abbas refused.

You can't negotiate with someone that won't negotiate back. So all your talk of "negotiate, negotiate" is meaningless. It assumes that a majority of Palestinians are okay living peacefully beside Israel, which is probably not true, and it assumes that there is a party on the Palestinian side with whom Israel can negotiate. There simply isn't.


zeshtorm t1_j60k12o wrote

How exactly should Israel tackle the difficult task of negotiating a peace settlement with people that don’t want to negotiate a peace settlement with them? Israel has made multiple peace offerings and has agreed to a Palestinian state on like 5 different occasions. Only the Palestinians have said no to a Palestinian state, because it wasn’t on the terms they wanted.

All of these arrests Israel is making are against organizations who believe firmly that they will one day conquer all of Israel and make it all Palestine. These organizations recruit members and get local support because many many other Palestinians believe the same. It’s really sad for the many Palestinians that DON’T live in that fantasy and want to make peace, but their voices are always drowned out by calls for violence.

At one point they need to accept accountability for the fact that they are the party consistently turning down peace offerings or even offers to negotiate.


zeshtorm t1_j16jrmv wrote

Originally they were saying they might not release it because they were worried about incitement at the funeral. Now they’re saying they’re holding it as a bargaining chip for remains of soldiers held by Hamas. I don’t love the move. It’s a very low level Hamas is comfortable stopping to, holding remains, and I don’t love Israel stooping to the same level.

They are the more moral actor, and they need to act like it.


zeshtorm t1_iyeucjx wrote

Just to be clear: the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt were the ones they once used to smuggle some fast food through, leading tons of people to go “oh the tunnels are just used to smuggle food”.

The ones they built into Israel, like this one, are built for the sole purpose of infiltrating Israel and carrying out attacks.

The fact that it’s under a school is yet another example of Hamas using humans, even children, as shields.

If there were an operation and Israel went into this school and destroyed the tunnel, headlines would be screaming for weeks about “Israel invades elementary school”. Sick people, Hamas, and they care as little about the lives of their own people as they do about the lives of Israelis. When will Palestinians finally rise up against them?