
zewill87 t1_ixnhsl8 wrote

Logitech is definitely not built for life material. Their older products will hold but they still have their issues. I had their products and while they were solid and well built they did fail, but after an acceptable timeframe (plastic ended up changing consistency, batteries dying pretty fast etc).

Nowadays Logitechs entry level stuff is terrible quality and will fail fast. Their more expensive stuff is a bit better but still, it's a brand I'm avoiding now after having spoken to their customer service.

Logitech simply does not belong in this thread, despite you having a great product here.


zewill87 t1_iviafc2 wrote

That's great! Koss is own of the better ones out there... But! I had the old loss mv1s (running from memory here don't quote me on the model) that broke within 2 years I believe. Koss gave me a new pair of a more recent model, no questions asked which was good. Never used them in much in all those years (5 or so), took them out a few weeks ago, the plastic became all tacky, horrible, and one pivot actually broke. It's great they honor their warranty but they should really build like it was before. Replacing is cool, building durable might be better. Wonder if Koss would honor their warranty another time :p