
zhrimb t1_jczpng5 wrote

Oh man I thought DSS Carpinteria was bad, that is just way off. I don't get how designers can look at the renders, compare that to the color samples, and not be aware that the renders (what 99% of people are buying based on) are completely off.


zhrimb t1_j1ac75e wrote

Reply to comment by xotiqrddt in City of Tears by voithos

It came out on Switch years ago and Switch runs on like 6 year old Android hardware, not surprising if it got ported to vanilla Android


zhrimb t1_ix45qbb wrote

Reply to comment by Midgetforsale in It is so true... by RandomsFandomsYT

This is exactly me too lol.

On a related note, spacebar going spongy is frequently the stab stems slipping out, if you press both corners to slip them back in it usually comes back to life