
zkentvt t1_j1zs6ih wrote

I miss the days of driving a car into the ground.

I personally don't think the government should be telling me what I can drive. If they want us to maintain our cars better, they should use more carrots and less sticks.


zkentvt t1_ixoefja wrote

I did this for an entire winter once. 4 cans at a time. The station near me sold the off-road diesel and there was almost always at least one other person there doing the same thing.

Also, learn to restart the burner or pilot light yourself. They will charge you to restart If it runs out. YouTube it.


zkentvt t1_is87hsh wrote

According to the paternity test, Welch was 72 trillion times more likely to be the child’s father than a “random, untested, unrelated man in the population.”

Lock him away.