
zoeypantalones t1_j5ih7jb wrote

Huh, was just there for dinner last night before going to the Richmond Forum with some coworkers. It was pretty busy for dinner, I’d never eaten there before and the food was decent. It’s been around for a long time, curious to know what shows up in its place.


zoeypantalones t1_j0yvnta wrote

Today is one of my on-site workdays so I’m trying to get this coffee to work. Partner and I are going to vote after work today, hoping it won’t be too crowded that last hour but don’t think we can swing a stop on the way into our respective offices this morning.


zoeypantalones t1_iuavlwm wrote

I don’t have a whole solution, but RE: needles—is it possible for you to work with a program in the area for you all to secure a bio hazard container to leave in the bathrooms, so people can dispose of their needles? I don’t want to make it seem like I’m saying you should encourage them using in your bathroom, but maybe with it you could include signage about needle exchange programs (I think Health Bridage has one) or options for rehabilitation?


zoeypantalones t1_itv6qwo wrote

I don't know if you're familiar, but there's something called the Teal Pumpkin Project that FARE does every Halloween that promotes putting a teal pumpkin on your doorstep as a signal that you offer non-food treats. I learned about it when I was at Target getting Halloween decorations a few years ago and was curious about the teal pumpkins they were selling.


zoeypantalones t1_ituftd8 wrote

I’m vending in Lakeside on Friday at their HalloweenTowne Block Party and they’re offering trick or treating for the kids. I can’t speak for any of the other vendors, but I’m bringing non-candy treats for any kids who can’t have or don’t like candy. I imagine I won’t be the only one though!

Here’s a Facebook link for the event: https://fb.me/e/2USqQkHXd


zoeypantalones t1_itla0mb wrote

Reply to comment by gracetw22 in Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow

I’ll admit I was a little taken aback when the recruiter called to schedule this interview (I was told upfront there would be a phone screen, an interview with the manager, and then a panel interview), especially since it’s for a creative role. Luckily I’m freelancing right now so I can make my own schedule, but I am hoping this is the last interview and it’s just formality at this point to get to know the team. It does feel like a lot, though!


zoeypantalones t1_itl0mni wrote

I have a fourth round of interviews for this job I’m in consideration for this morning. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I’m quietly hoping it goes well because the team seems very nice and it seems like it would be a complete 180 from the toxic environment I left last year. A recruiter reached out to me to begin with so that’s promising, right?