
zzzthelastuser t1_j7ulu8h wrote

> CUDA graphs require us to capture a graph per input tensor shape, there is a non-negligible warmup time. We measure around 10mn on 2 different machines / GPUs (down from 50mn in our previous Kernl version). One user reported with the new version a bit more than 20mn of warmup time. We are aware of obvious ways to decrease it significantly.

Dumb question, but what's mn? millineconds?


zzzthelastuser t1_iwpi7r5 wrote

You could argue GPT-3 was trained on a subset of the available training data, no?

Not completing the first pass-through means the remaining data could be considered as not part of the training data.


zzzthelastuser t1_iw7nx3a wrote

I know many researchers who barely program/know how to program aside from scripting and tweaking stuff they found on github. So I would say you will be fine!

But admittedly I think it wont be as easy to enter these jobs without prior job experience.


zzzthelastuser t1_isnvnv9 wrote

Similar with self-driving cars, they may work with (made up number) 99% accuracy, but that 1% is still too risky.

Regardless of what the AI says, I would still ask a doctor to see my scan considering a false-negative could cost me my life and a false-positive would probably mean a doctor would double check it anyway.

The bottleneck would still be the person who looks at each scan personally.

That being said, I think there is huge potential in early risk prediction using ML long before a real human could even spot cancer tissue.


zzzthelastuser t1_is0oiz5 wrote

I THINK it is possible to keep the file cached. So that if a user returns to the site the model doesn't need to be re-downloaded again.

Alternatively a user could download the model file manually and your website asks the user to drag and drop their model file to launch the service?